34 research outputs found

    Kompozicionalni hierarhični model za pridobivanje informacij iz glasbe

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    In recent years, deep architectures, most commonly based on neural networks, have advanced the state of the art in many research areas. Due to the popularity and the success of deep neural-networks, other deep architectures, including compositional models, have been put aside from mainstream research. This dissertation presents the compositional hierarchical model as a novel deep architecture for music processing. Our main motivation was to develop and explore an alternative non-neural deep architecture for music processing which would be transparent, meaning that the encoded knowledge would be interpretable, trained in an unsupervised manner and on small datasets, and useful as a feature extractor for classification tasks, as well as a transparent model for unsupervised pattern discovery. We base our work on compositional models, as compositionality is inherent in music. The proposed compositional hierarchical model learns a multi-layer hierarchical representation of the analyzed music signals in an unsupervised manner. It provides transparent insights into the learned concepts and their structure. It can be used as a feature extractor---its output can be used for classification tasks using existing machine learning techniques. Moreover, the model\u27s transparency enables an interpretation of the learned concepts, so the model can be used for analysis (exploration of the learned hierarchy) or discovery-oriented (inferring the hierarchy) tasks, which is difficult with most neural network based architectures. The proposed model uses relative coding of the learned concepts, which eliminates the need for large annotated training datasets that are essential in deep architectures with a large number of parameters. Relative coding contributes to slim models, which are fast to execute and have low memory requirements. The model also incorporates several biologically-inspired mechanisms that are modeled according to the mechanisms that exists at the lower levels of human perception (eg~ lateral inhibition in the human ear) and that significantly affect perception. The proposed model is evaluated on several music information retrieval tasks and its results are compared to the current state of the art. The dissertation is structured as follows. In the first chapter we present the motivation for the development of the new model. In the second chapter we elaborate on the related work in music information retrieval and review other compositional and transparent models. Chapter three introduces a thorough description of the proposed model. The model structure, its learning and inference methods are explained, as well as the incorporated biologically-inspired mechanisms. The model is then applied to several different music domains, which are divided according to the type of input data. In this we follow the timeline of the development and the implementation of the model. In chapter four, we present the model\u27s application to audio recordings, specifically for two tasks: automatic chord estimation and multiple fundamental frequency estimation. In chapter five, we present the model\u27s application to symbolic music representations. We concentrate on pattern discovery, emphasizing the model\u27s ability to tackle such problems. We also evaluate the model as a feature generator for tune family classification. Finally, in chapter six, we show the latest progress in developing the model for representing rhythm and show that it exhibits a high degree of robustness in extracting high-level rhythmic structures from music signals. We conclude the dissertation by summarizing our work and the results, elaborating on forthcoming work in the development of the model and its future applications.S porastom globokih arhitektur, ki temeljijo na nevronskih mrežah, so se v zadnjem času bistveno izboljšali rezultati pri reševanju problemov na več področjih. Zaradi popularnosti in uspešnosti teh globokih pristopov, temelječih na nevronskih mrežah, so bili drugi, predvsem kompozicionalni pristopi, odmaknjeni od središča pozornosti raziskav. V pričujoči disertaciji se posvečamo vprašanju, ali je mogoče razviti globoko arhitekturo, ki bo presegla obstoječe probleme globokih arhitektur. S tem namenom se vračamo h kompozicionalnim modelom in predstavimo kompozicionalni hierarhični model kot alternativno globoko arhitekturo, ki bo imela naslednje značilnosti: transparentnost, ki omogoča enostavno razlago naučenih konceptov, nenadzorovano učenje in zmožnost učenja na majhnih podatkovnih bazah, uporabnost modela kot izluščevalca značilk, kot tudi zmožnost uporabe transparentnosti modela za odkrivanje vzorcev. Naše delo temelji na kompozicionalnih modelih, ki so v glasbi intuitivni. Predlagani kompozicionalni hierarhični model je zmožen nenadzorovanega učenja večnivojske predstavitve glasbenega vhoda. Model omogoča pregled naučenih konceptov skozi transparentne strukture. Lahko ga uporabimo kot generator značilk -- izhod modela lahko uporabimo za klasifikacijo z drugimi pristopi strojnega učenja. Hkrati pa lahko transparentnost predlaganega modela uporabimo za analizo (raziskovanje naučene hierarhije) pri odkrivanju vzorcev, kar je težko izvedljivo z ostalimi pristopi, ki temeljijo na nevronskih mrežah. Relativno kodiranje konceptov v samem modelu pripomore k precej manjšim modelom in posledično zmanjšuje potrebo po velikih podatkovnih zbirkah, potrebnih za učenje modela. Z vpeljavo biološko navdahnjenih mehanizmov želimo model še bolj približati človeškemu načinu zaznave. Za nekatere mehanizme, na primer inhibicijo, vemo, da so v človeški percepciji prisotni na nižjih nivojih v ušesu in bistveno vplivajo na način zaznave. V modelu uvedemo prve korake k takšnemu načinu procesiranja proti končnemu cilju izdelave modela, ki popolnoma odraža človeško percepcijo. V prvem poglavju disertacije predstavimo motivacijo za razvoj novega modela. V drugem poglavju se posvetimo dosedanjim objavljenim dosežkom na tem področju. V nadaljnjih poglavjih se osredotočimo na sam model. Sprva opišemo teoretično zasnovo modela in način učenja ter delovanje biološko-navdahnjenih mehanizmov. V naslednjem koraku model apliciramo na več različnih glasbenih domen, ki so razdeljene glede na tip vhodnih podatkov. Pri tem sledimo časovnici razvoja in implementacijam modela tekom doktorskega študija. Najprej predstavimo aplikacijo modela za časovno-frekvenčne signale, na katerem model preizkusimo za dve opravili: avtomatsko ocenjevanje harmonij in avtomatsko transkripcijo osnovnih frekvenc. V petem poglavju predstavimo drug način aplikacije modela, tokrat na simbolne vhodne podatke, ki predstavljajo glasbeni zapis. Pri tem pristopu se osredotočamo na odkrivanje vzorcev, s čimer poudarimo zmožnost modela za reševanje tovrstnih problemov, ki je ostalim pristopom še nedosegljivo. Model prav tako evalviramo v vlogi generatorja značilk. Pri tem ga evalviramo na problemu melodične podobnosti pesmi in razvrščanja v variantne tipe. Nazadnje, v šestem poglavju, pokažemo zadnji dosežek razvoja modela, ki ga apliciramo na problem razumevanja ritma v glasbi. Prilagojeni model analiziramo in pokažemo njegovo zmožnost učenja različnih ritmičnih oblik in visoko stopnjo robustnosti pri izluščevanju visokonivojskih struktur v ritmu. V zaključkih disertacije povzamemo vloženo delo in rezultate ter nakažemo nadaljnje korake za razvoj modela v prihodnosti

    Compositional hierarchical model for music information retrieval

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    In recent years, deep architectures, most commonly based on neural networks, have advanced the state of the art in many research areas. Due to the popularity and the success of deep neural-networks, other deep architectures, including compositional models, have been put aside from mainstream research. This dissertation presents the compositional hierarchical model as a novel deep architecture for music processing. Our main motivation was to develop and explore an alternative non-neural deep architecture for music processing which would be transparent, meaning that the encoded knowledge would be interpretable, trained in an unsupervised manner and on small datasets, and useful as a feature extractor for classification tasks, as well as a transparent model for unsupervised pattern discovery. We base our work on compositional models, as compositionality is inherent in music. The proposed compositional hierarchical model learns a multi-layer hierarchical representation of the analyzed music signals in an unsupervised manner. It provides transparent insights into the learned concepts and their structure. It can be used as a feature extractor—its output can be used for classification tasks using existing machine learning techniques. Moreover, the model’s transparency enables an interpretation of the learned concepts, so the model can be used for analysis (exploration of the learned hierarchy) or discovery-oriented (inferring the hierarchy) tasks, which is difficult with most neural network based architectures. The proposed model uses relative coding of the learned concepts, which eliminates the need for large annotated training datasets that are essential in deep architectures with a large number of parameters. Relative coding contributes to slim models, which are fast to execute and have low memory requirements. The model also incorporates several biologically-inspired mechanisms that are modeled according to the mechanisms that exists at the lower levels of human perception (e.g. lateral inhibition in the human ear) and that significantly affect perception. The proposed model is evaluated on several music information retrieval tasks and its results are compared to the current state of the art. The dissertation is structured as follows. In the first chapter we present the motivation for the development of the new model. In the second chapter we elaborate on the related work in music information retrieval and review other compositional and transparent models. Chapter three introduces a thorough description of the proposed model. The model structure, its learning and inference methods are explained, as well as the incorporated biologically-inspired mechanisms. The model is then applied to several different music domains, which are divided according to the type of input data. In this we follow the timeline of the development and the implementation of the model. In chapter four, we present the model’s application to audio recordings, specifically for two tasks: automatic chord estimation and multiple fundamental frequency estimation. In chapter five, we present the model’s application to symbolic music representations. We concentrate on pattern discovery, emphasizing the model’s ability to tackle such problems. We also evaluate the model as a feature generator for tune family classification. Finally, in chapter six, we show the latest progress in developing the model for representing rhythm and show that it exhibits a high degree of robustness in extracting high-level rhythmic structures from music signals. We conclude the dissertation by summarizing our work and the results, elaborating on forthcoming work in the development of the model and its future applications

    Compositional hierarchical model for music information retrieval

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    In recent years, deep architectures, most commonly based on neural networks, have advanced the state of the art in many research areas. Due to the popularity and the success of deep neural-networks, other deep architectures, including compositional models, have been put aside from mainstream research. This dissertation presents the compositional hierarchical model as a novel deep architecture for music processing. Our main motivation was to develop and explore an alternative non-neural deep architecture for music processing which would be transparent, meaning that the encoded knowledge would be interpretable, trained in an unsupervised manner and on small datasets, and useful as a feature extractor for classification tasks, as well as a transparent model for unsupervised pattern discovery. We base our work on compositional models, as compositionality is inherent in music. The proposed compositional hierarchical model learns a multi-layer hierarchical representation of the analyzed music signals in an unsupervised manner. It provides transparent insights into the learned concepts and their structure. It can be used as a feature extractor—its output can be used for classification tasks using existing machine learning techniques. Moreover, the model’s transparency enables an interpretation of the learned concepts, so the model can be used for analysis (exploration of the learned hierarchy) or discovery-oriented (inferring the hierarchy) tasks, which is difficult with most neural network based architectures. The proposed model uses relative coding of the learned concepts, which eliminates the need for large annotated training datasets that are essential in deep architectures with a large number of parameters. Relative coding contributes to slim models, which are fast to execute and have low memory requirements. The model also incorporates several biologically-inspired mechanisms that are modeled according to the mechanisms that exists at the lower levels of human perception (e.g. lateral inhibition in the human ear) and that significantly affect perception. The proposed model is evaluated on several music information retrieval tasks and its results are compared to the current state of the art. The dissertation is structured as follows. In the first chapter we present the motivation for the development of the new model. In the second chapter we elaborate on the related work in music information retrieval and review other compositional and transparent models. Chapter three introduces a thorough description of the proposed model. The model structure, its learning and inference methods are explained, as well as the incorporated biologically-inspired mechanisms. The model is then applied to several different music domains, which are divided according to the type of input data. In this we follow the timeline of the development and the implementation of the model. In chapter four, we present the model’s application to audio recordings, specifically for two tasks: automatic chord estimation and multiple fundamental frequency estimation. In chapter five, we present the model’s application to symbolic music representations. We concentrate on pattern discovery, emphasizing the model’s ability to tackle such problems. We also evaluate the model as a feature generator for tune family classification. Finally, in chapter six, we show the latest progress in developing the model for representing rhythm and show that it exhibits a high degree of robustness in extracting high-level rhythmic structures from music signals. We conclude the dissertation by summarizing our work and the results, elaborating on forthcoming work in the development of the model and its future applications

    Razvoj platforme Trubadur in novi izzivi v prihajajočih letih

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    Trubadur je odprtokodna platforma za urjenje glasbenega posluha z avtomatiziranimi vajami ritmičnega in intervalnega nareka. Platformo smo ovrednotili z dijaki Konservatorija za glasbo in balet Ljubljana v šolskih letih 2018/19–2020/21. Rezultati evalvacije so pokazali, da lahko uporaba platforme poveča uspešnost pri testih in predstavlja dopolnitev učenja na daljavo

    Zgodovina in izzivi digitalne etno/muzikologije v Sloveniji

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    Procese razumevanja glasbe kot niza pojavov, ki so tesno povezani z IT praksami iskanja glasbe v slovenski raziskovalni skupnosti, skiciramo s treh osnovnih vidikov: etnomuzikološkega, bibliotekarskega (bistvenega, ko se glasbi približamo računalniško) in IT. Članek ocenjuje doprinos teh perspektiv k razumevanju glasbe, in predlaga, da tri obravnavane perspektive niso poljubne

    Hierarchical compositional model for chord estimation

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    The thesis offers an implementation of a new approach for automatic modelling and music information retrieval. The model is based on a visual compositional hierarchical model, which provides good results in the area of categorization of visual objects in pictures. We translate the approach to the music domain by implementing and visualizing the model. The approach uses knowledge of psychoacoustic music modelling for the preparation of input audio clips. The model is tested on a set of four basic piano chords, played through all eight octaves. We achieve 83% classification accuracy by classifying into major and minor chords and 78% classification accuracy by classifying into major, minor, diminished and augmented chords. The model is also tested on a set of songs composed by The Beatles. We successfully classify 60% of chords into major and minor chord classes. We find the translation of the compositional hierarchical model to the music domain successful and worth of further development

    An analysis of rhythmic patterns with unsupervised learning

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    This paper presents a model capable of learning the rhythmic characteristics of a music signal through unsupervised learning. The model learns a multi-layer hierarchy of rhythmic patterns ranging from simple structures on lower layers to more complex patterns on higher layers. The learned hierarchy is fully transparent, which enables observation and explanation of the structure of the learned patterns. The model employs tempo-invariant encoding of patterns and can thus learn and perform inference on tempo-varying and noisy input data. We demonstrate the model’s capabilities of learning distinctive rhythmic structures of different music genres using unsupervised learning. To test its robustness, we show how the model can efficiently extract rhythmic structures in songs with changing time signatures and live recordings. Additionally, the model’s time-complexity is empirically tested to show its usability for analysis-related applications

    SymCHM—an unsupervised approach for pattern discovery in symbolic music with a compositional hierarchical model

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    This paper presents a compositional hierarchical model for pattern discovery in symbolic music. The model can be regarded as a deep architecture with a transparent structure. It can learn a set of repeated patterns within individual works or larger corpora in an unsupervised manner, relying on statistics of pattern occurrences, and robustly infer the learned patterns in new, unknown works. A learned model contains representations of patterns on different layers, from the simple short structures on lower layers to the longer and more complex music structures on higher layers. A pattern selection procedure can be used to extract the most frequent patterns from the model. We evaluate the model on the publicly available JKU Patterns Datasets and compare the results to other approaches